
Join Us
Interested in joining?
If your daughter would like to join 1st Waddington Guides, please click on the picture to register your interest or contact our leader, Sarai, at 1stwaddingtonguidesandrangers@gmail.com
Girls aged between 10 and 13 are welcome to join us and if you're not quite old enough yet it's still worth getting in touch as we have a waiting list!
Interested in volunteering?
Girlguiding is the leading charity for girls and young women in the UK. By volunteering with us, you can help us create amazing opportunities for thousands of girls around the UK. You may want to help weekly, monthly, termly or on an ad-hoc basis, either in the unit or supporting us with accounts, marketing, etc. Whatever you would like to offer, you will be very welcome!
Our unit is always in need of volunteers, so please click on the picture to register your interest or contact our leader Sarai, at 1stwaddingtonguidesandrangers@gmail.com