
Our Units
Welcome to 1st Waddington (RAF) Guides and Rangers
A very warm welcome to you and your daughter to 1st Waddington (RAF) Guides and Rangers! We are a group of around 50 girls and young women who meet each week (in term time) to learn new skills, make new friends and have fun together, as well as working towards badges and going on outings, camps and holidays. We meet on RAF Waddington and are closely linked to the RAF, but we are open to all girls, not just RAF families.
1st Waddington Guides is a Guide unit for girls aged 10 - 13.
1st Waddington Rangers is a Ranger unit for young women aged 14-18.
The Guide and Ranger units meet separately each week and go on lots of trips and camps, both together and separately.
In addition to our weekly meetings, there are often other activities arranged, including day trips, camps and holidays , both locally and further afield. Recent and forthcoming events include:
Camps in Lincolnshire, London, the Isle of Wight and Brownsea Island
Sleepovers at a local campsite, the seaside and our normal meeting place
Evenings at Jump Inc, Activities Away, escape rooms and bowling
Camping skills day at a local campsite
Day trips to Cadbury World, Yorkshire Wildlife Park and London
Summer camp with activities including zip wire, archery, canoeing, climbing, inflatables, leap of faith and much more!
Opportunities to complete the Duke of Edinburgh Award
Joint activities with Guides and Scouts from all over the world
International camps in Switzerland, the Netherlands and Mexico!

We are a very friendly and welcoming (and crazy!) bunch and we love doing a huge variety of activities. To find out more, have a look at our photos to see what we're like - or get in touch to arrange a visit.
I promise that I will do my best
To be true to myself and develop my beliefs
To serve the King and my community
And to keep the Guide law

What our members say
I love Guides because it’s lots of fun and I’ve met some great new friends. I love that we get to be more independent. I love collecting badges on my camp blanket to remind me of all the exciting adventures I've had at Guides - I've got almost 100 !

Camping in Switzerland was amazing. My favourite parts of the trip were floating down a river into the capital city on a raft and joining in a campfire with 2000 Guides and Scouts from all over the world. I'll never forget that!

I like that I’ve made friends of different ages and I love all the activities we get to do. At Guides I always feel confident and never have to worry about what I look like.